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Villa Rina B&B adopts all the provisions issued by current legislation

Disclosure of the measures taken

Body temperature measurement, with no access to the facility  in case of temperature> 37.5 ° C

Respect for  interpersonal distance of at least 1 meter, especially in common areas

Interpersonal distancing does not apply to members of the same family group or cohabitants, nor to people occupying the same room, nor to people who, on the basis of their  current provisions  they are not subject to interpersonal distancing

The staff will wear a mask and gloves on all occasions of contact with users, favoring, during check-in and check-out, the use of contactless payment systems

Each staff work plan e  each surface dedicated to the guest will be periodically cleaned and disinfected for each use

Guests must always wear a mask in closed common areas. In common outdoor areas, the mask must be worn when it is not possible to respect the interpersonal distance of  1 meter

The B&B will make available  hand sanitizers with hydro-alcoholic solutions in various locations within the structure, promoting frequent use  by customers and staff 

Each object provided by the structure will be disinfected before delivery to the guest

We guarantee frequent cleaning and disinfection of all environments, with particular attention to common areas and surfaces touched most frequently

We favor the exchange of air in indoor environments and guarantee the periodic cleaning of the air conditioning systems and the respective air filters according to the technical indications referred to in the ISS document.

At each guest change, a thorough cleaning and disinfection of rooms, furnishings, utensils and linen will be carried out

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